Monday, November 3, 2014

REVIEW: Apple/ Android Game: Love! Live! School Idol Festival

Love! Live! School Idol festival  is a rhythm game, much like OSU or Tap Tap but requires acquisition of members that varies in skill, rarity and effect, the better member you acquire or create, the better your scores become. This game can be downloaded in Google Playstore or Apple Appstore for free and it offers in-app purchases or purchasable items (which to Restore Energy "Restore LP", "Purchase Love Gems" for Honor Scouting and "Increase Member Limit" to accommodate more members.

Few reminders:
1. Do not spend your love gems or those hearts next to your money and wait til you get 50 love gems to get 11 honor members and 2 or 3 may be super rare which is something you rarely get in one-time scouting.

2. There's likely an event every week, try to make the best out of that. The prizes are usually SR (super rare) or UR (ultra rare) cards, love gems, 1 ticket (for honor student summoning) or neutral cards which can help strengthen your group. The events are very generous as there's the completion reward, event ranking reward and sometimes a song ranking reward.

3. Do not idolize every member you see as some are so common that it's better to use them for practice (basically sacrifice them to level up your rare cards) and it costs money to idolize so it's better to save that for later.

Always take note of what your strength should be in each song. 

Blue circle pertains to Cool
Bright Pink circle pertains to Smile
Green circle pertains to Pure 

Each member has a certain color that pertains to those attributes and creating a team for each attribute makes it easier to gain a higher score.

Rare members greatly helps in gaining higher scores because they have an in-game effect which is either score increase or Stamina restoration (Stamina is basically how many times you can screw up in the game). They also have Leader Skills for when you choose them as leaders and an effects for when your friend uses your leader (smile or pure or cool increase)

* Skills can be increased by "practicing" your main card with another card of the same level and skill.

So in each song you are rewarded by completing the song goal in various rank (Rank S, A, B, C).

The hardest to rank up is probably CLEAR because it requires you to play more than once. For easy songs, if you play the song once you immediately get a rank C but need to play it more to rank up. 

The other two SCORE and COMBO is easy to understand because there's basically a score and combo requirement.  

REVIEW - Ming Hui: Mini Sewing Machine

Ming Hui Mini or Portable Sewing Machine

1 Sewing Machine
6 Bobbins ( 2 already attached)
2 Needles (1 is already attached) 
1 Threader

1 Pedal
1 Adapter
1 Instruction Manual

I bought mine online so a few reminders:

1. make sure the package is complete with the 6 bobbins else you'll have a rough time

2. if you are gonna buy it second hand make sure that there's no defect because there is little to no information as to it's repair here in the Philippines.

3. DO NOT WIND the winder because it's for tightening or making the stitches loose and it's really hard to put it back to normal if you do not mark it somehow.

4. Mark the winder so you know how to get back to a normal not tight, not loose stitch.

You can explore everything else without a worry

I had no knowledge of using a sewing machine and little knowledge of hand sewing so it took some time to figure it out, it's pretty simple to use and I won't recommend using the pedals for beginners.
It's light and portable as it said but only sews 1 basic stitch (running stitch), this is basically just for repairing clothes but not for actual dress making. I would recommend buying a 7stitch sewing machine if you're hoping to make costumes, dresses and etc. or really invest in hand sewing skills.

Here are some Youtube videos that I found helpful and you should probably watch if you're a beginner. These videos are not mine btw just in case anybody's wondering.
1. Mini Sewing Machine Demo|Tutorial by INAH MIRASOL
2. LSS202 Sewing Machine Quick Start Guide

If you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them so just leave a comment!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thinking Beyond Colonization And Oppression

A few weeks ago, I read a chapter or a bit of the essay or book of Florentino H. Hornedo Pagmamahal at Pagmumura, It's a very good piece and I think that it's a really concise way of explaining his worry about the evolution or progress of Filipino Art and Literature. I also recently watched a documentary about Philippine Mythology The Aswang Phenomenon (available in Youtube) and like the former it was concise.

Reading/ Watching these made me realize how much of the Filipino identity is lost or under-developed. It felt as though I was foreign in the country I grew up in. In Pagmamahal at Pagmumura, It talked about how Filipino Art and Literature evolved and the different themes involved in each era. Basically the artists or writers thrived in creating or writing about the oppression the Filipinos experienced and in each era it just had a different style as the Filipinos adapted to their colonizers. In the end, the writer talked about his hopes, how what if Philippines had a better economy or in the future wherein Philippines has a better economy, the writers and artists will grow out of that phase.

Now, the aswang phenomenon talked about the specific types of aswang, where did the word aswang come from and why is it mostly women. What struck me here is that the film-maker, a foreigner, had to go to different islands and talk to different people just find out about the history and various information about the aswang. It also took the director some time to gather all the information. and I guess it's a normal reaction to feel like the Filipino Identity is scattered?

However, when I attended a conference in Ateneo de Manila, a few days ago, my mind was opened to another point of view. I commend Ateneo for the wonderful lecture and my spanish teacher, Sr. Chinor, for requiring us to attend the conference.

I was only able to attend the Wednesday conference and it focused on the Hispanic influences. Note that they used the word Hispanic and not the word Spanish as we've all been accustomed to (or is it just me?). Hispanic is a broad term for the different culture that affected Spain.

I guess the talk was just basically about how Spain affected our growth and what or how they influenced us but it was more than that for me. I realized that we also affected Spain in a small way, that we can really grow out of that phase wherein our art and literature focuses on oppression, I realized that by being colonized we have formed a unique identity and we never really tried to own it and only picked which race suited our taste or preference, that we've only thought of being colonized as being brainwashed and that we've left our being Filipino in it's purest sense.

During the lunch break, I was able to personally talk to Fr. Rene B. Javellena and told him how I liked his lecture "Hispanic influences on Architecture/ Visual Arts". His lecture was very detailed and he tried to explain to us every little detail so we can really understand the Hispanic influences brought to the Philippines but he was also able to show us what Philippines was already rich of, what the Filipinos already had and was brought to Spain. I told Fr. Rene about how his talk gave me a different perspective and that the Filipinos does own something despite it, whatever IT may be, being influenced by another culture. I also told him about the stagnant theme of Filipino Arts and Literature and what he told me made sense, I can't really clearly remember but he said that it was merely a phase wherein Filipinos will grow out of, much like how a child rebelling from it's mother. The rebellion is the phase wherein the Filipinos are fixated on oppression and how they're miserable and after that the Filipinos might see past the oppression. Or find another Point of view aside oppression.

I was unable to talk to the other speakers after that and I was much too shy to just thank them as what they lectured were new to me = I had no questions....

So my point is. Whatever hate or hopelessness you feel right now about the Philippines, I'm telling you that you might just need another point of view or new friends to talk to. We are rich in culture because we not only talk about the native Filipinos but also of our colonizers. We are a part, a mixture, of almost every culture and we should rejoice in that fact because that's what makes us unique. That is our identity, that we are a country of diversity and of unity << idealism right here.

P.S. I spend most of my time trying to find cute things on the internet and though I am interested in this kind of topics I don't find it fun unless it's being discussed or debated. So this post might have been common knowledge to you, but it's new to me :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Revolt on BOA

Quite honestly, This is stupid. Every time I am reminded that I breathe the same air as these people is revolting. The fact that we're in one planet, that we're in the same country and have the same nationality just drags my pride of being a Filipina down.

For a background on what I'm saying, I suggest back-reading the posts of JejeCostplayer PH or reading the blog post "They are the 99%".

So, there will be 3 events happening in SMX. So if you have no intentions of going into the function hall of BOA and just wants to be there for the photo shoot, I suggest you buy the cheapest event ticket. You don't have to post stupid comments about how you will overthrow the management because if Filipinos were really smart and capable enough to do that then we won't have this shitty government.

I suggest buying a ticket for the Manila bookfair which is 20php, (I think? Maybe 15php depending on your age or if you're a student) and the event is on for Sept. 17-21. SO PROBLEM SOLVED STUPID PEOPLE. YOU CAN NOW GO INSIDE SMX

P.S. You are stupid for not thinking of this and want a seaside BOA? or trying to pull off #TeamLabas. Please stop now. Seriously. and may I suggest that you Openly Apologize to all those that you have irritated.

Okay so personal anger aside, It is discouraging to see young people revolt on such a petty thing. They contradict themselves by saying that they "have" the money to pay but the price is apparently not justifiable and that BOA/SMX just want the consumer's money. Well Newsflash! They do. They're doing business, If you've had economics or maybe an ounce of sense you'd know that nothing is free.

These are the kind of people that has pulled Philippines down. These people who thinks they know better, who thinks that they are right. There are 2 types of people residing in the Philippines. Those honest people that pays their bills and those that leeches off honest people. What we see here of course is the latter. These people, from the way they act and speak (comment) are pure-bred leeches.
and we have a lot of that in the Philippines. Are you one?

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Lucy Pop Japan (Kawaii Uniforms)

Taken on October 6, 2014 in White Space Makati.
Lucy Pop featured in Kawaii In Manila
~Free Fitting~
Okay so for everyone who went to Kawaii In Manila 2 they obviously saw the eye-catching booth of Lucy Pop and most probably watched the uniforms be paraded and advertised on the cat-walk/ stage. You're also probably curious as to where you can buy these very cute uniforms and the links above will take you there! 
(tell me if the link are leading you to somewhere else onegaii~)

I plan(wish/hope/want) to acquire my first set of uniform from them asap and the price is justifiable for a whole set, I also like the fact that they're very transparent about their shipping and conversion rates. Sadly, their only form of payment is via Paypal (which I don't have -cries-) and if you're planning to buy, don't forget to check if they ship to your city

Otherwise, find a friend who lives in a city wherein Lucy Pop can ship to and have them send it to you! *confusing desu?* ( ̄■ ̄;)!?

Also, for anyone who's asking about their Physical Store or their Boutique. They don't have one in the Philippines~ *YET* their free fitting in Kawaii In Manila was one of their way to test if the Philippine market will accept their product (well duh! it's super cute!) and as a marketing student, I respect their wary and safe way of entering the Philippine Market~ (☞゚∀゚)☞

But like how soon/long til Lucy Pop establishes itself in the Philippines? 
well that would depend if they're really taking the safe road then it might take a year, maybe more? I mean they'll have to see if their target market can afford the product, how many times will their target market return to buy their product, then there's the issue with positioning and basically the whole marketing research pizzazz must happen before the marketing plan and then unto the actual establishment!

Anyway their site is very user-friendly as you can see, this is an actual screenshot (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

and each of their products are detailed and you are well guided as to how to order, the surcharges and the sizes. 

I also want to say that the way they made their skirts is fantastic! I know you know it's High Quality BUT it's because you can literally adjust the size. I hope I can show it to you guys better but just imagine a sliding belt? or how you can adjust your backpacks or the straps of your bra. It doesn't adjust THAT long ok? just saying that it adjusts which makes it possible for lending it to your friends who's more or less the same size as you!. 

(✪㉨✪)  Innovation right there!


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Philippine Fashion

I'm not very well educated in fashion and I do like or love fashion but then it's not that I have a fixation on fashion per se but on cute or pretty things. I particularly love Asian fashion but like I said I'm not an avid follower.

Anyway, as I was thinking silently to myself about which clothes I should get and thinking about Mori or Natural Kei, Fairy Kei, Visual Kei and Lolita garments. I thought to myself, Japan has this Harajuku fashion, America and Europe competing with High fashion and Korea even has it's own fashion statements. Why doesn't my country, Philippines, have one?

P.S. Now, I don't know if we do so please don't plaster this blog with hate comments

As I was saying I tried thinking of a fashion statement -just for kicks- for the Philippines but I keep coming up with a blank slate. I just can't seem to make up, even for a joke, a certain look or fad this country can make and will follow.

It feels like the Philippine fashion stopped with the Maria Clara wear and even that fashion is influenced by the Spaniards. I don't know of any current fashion that was made or started by Filipinos because of say the weather or our nature and I feel like it's because of the identity crisis Filipinos have. I have read many articles and maybe 1 book about how Philippines literature and arts greatly revolved on our country and fellowmen being oppressed and until now the literature revolves around the oppression and corruption of the Government. We never made it past that point.

I do hope that one day I look back at this entry and be proud of how far the Philippines has reached, in terms of goals and missions.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Mind Your Manners!

The quick advances and innovation of technology has paved way to many and creative forms of hate mail or showing your disgust or just strong dislike, reasonable or not, on a particular person, thing, event, etc.  
but so what right? Everybody has their own preferences and we have the freedom of expression. It's not a big deal! ... or is it?
My dear readers, as it was a big deal in the 1800's and the years after...
We have to remember our manners, ethics and morality. Just because we can doesn't mean we should. I am more concerned with the Filipino community, mainly because I'm a Filipino citizen but also, because we are supposedly a religious community where most citizens are either Roman catholic (or Christians) or Muslims and if I remember correctly those two religion emphasize greatly on Morality.
Scratch that I have taken 4 subjects of theology I KNOW Catholic religion emphasizes greatly on Morality.

Because technology is continuously growing, It's hard to put boundaries and tell the millions and billions of online users that there are rules that they should follow, take for example the cyber-crime prevention act of the Philippines. I read about it a few years back and it was too broad and the decision of whether the accused is guilty or innocent will depend on how good your lawyer is compared to the opposing. Furthermore it's a little bit outdated.

Side note: what pisses me off was this law was passed on 2012 where technology was already abundant and on it's peak (still is) and yet the law seemed like it was passed when the computer/internet was invented.

Second, now we have this Anti-Selfie act which passed instantly it's first and second reading despite the feuds in congress and issues of corruption with (almost?) ALL the government officials. Everybody in the Philippines is acting up and I feel stupid being chill about it.

 I do love selfies but what is the definition of a selfie?? doesn't a selfie imply that you take a photo of yourself so if a friend takes a photo of you, it technically isn't a selfie anymore, more so if a professional photographer takes it? be it in a private or public property.
Then there's the issue about selfies being taken with private properties or a selfie taken with a property that isn't yours that's in the fore/background, now if I blur that property am I still liable? or if the owner and I had a spoken agreement, what then?
My understanding of this Anti Selfie Bill is still vague as you can see but I have not seen any article that clearly defines and this Bill (so please comment a liable source if you know one).

Okay so where am I getting at?
1. The users can't control and discipline themselves properly. Or the internet, technology in general, just gives so much possibilities for us to destroy each other or aid criminals.
Side note: Maybe because a lot of Filipinos are uneducated and are still open to these kinds of freedom.

2. The government can only control the users to the point of aggravation.
Side note: The Philippine government needs major help in this sector.