Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Illusion That We - The People - Are Powerless

To The Government Officials

Ever since I was young, corruption has been an imminent and most discussed topic pertaining to politics or of the Philippine government. I grew up being sheltered away from the chaos because we were taught that chaos existed. The country I grew up in has fallen deep into the abyss. Is this were the efforts of our fallen heroes have taken us? As years go by, people are becoming hungrier and weaker – spiritually, emotionally and physically – that sometimes they act without morality and all our leaders – past and present – has and have talked about plans of improvement and of hope and where has that led us?

Please set your priorities straight.

Personally I think it starts with Health and Education because your future resides there. Our public schools are below standards and the teacher to student ratio are questionable. No, the population isn't the problem, it’s your priorities. If there was proper and standardized health care and educational systems all throughout the Philippines would there be a rise in poor families? Or a rise in the population?

To my dear fellow countrymen

We have had so many leaders come up to you with sugar coated words of “wisdom” and promises but we are left with this depreciating country wherein you who’s reading this probably don’t want any part of. Almost everybody I know that can read this would want to migrate to another country and are ashamed of the state of their own country. I can’t blame them.

Please take responsibility.

So often we blame our government officials for the mistakes that they have caused but we’re the ones who gave them power and the ones keeping a blind eye as long as we are rewarded and only speak up when we’re not.

I just want to share this to whoever will read this and maybe I’m not the only one who feels the same way.

For most crimes, it is made because they need to feed a family or they need to survive whereas sometimes they just need power or to scare people. Philippines has never been a breeding ground for psychopaths or sociopaths nor did I use to believe that it can be (since to organize a well thought out crime you need to be smart…) but I don’t think so now, the crimes in the Philippines may not all be well thought of and it may be so easy to catch the culprit BUT WE LACK THE PROPER TECHNOLOGY AND MATERIALS to actually proceed with a thorough investigation. What’s more! Not every citizen in the Philippines are registered! Why? Because not everybody has the “luxury” or money to do so.

When you watch the news, you see death, which government official is corrupt and who’s pointing fingers at who, where the gun was fired, who and how many raped and was raped, when you see this. Does it make you feel sad or do you just shout at your television and show how much smarter you are? I’m the former, Sometimes I want to cry at the state the country is in or for the loss of life and dignity at that person and for what has the society drove the people to do… When I watch these news and I see human trafficking, children being molested, animals mistreated and so many more I am reminded of a phrase a friend once told me “There is a demand so there will be people willing to supply” (Why are they willing to supply?) “Because they need or want something for themselves, there is no such thing as a free lunch” – I was asking about the complexity of human trafficking and child pornography.

But what has really gotten me riled me to write this long ass post is that recently there has been a lot of new law or rules and regulations being passed and THOSE law doesn't even directly issue the big and actual problems of the Philippines and YET they are so EASILY passed BUT it’s so hard and it takes years to pass laws that actually contribute to the common good? OH! But what is the common good to the government? Is it the poor people of the Philippines or those powerful families that can threaten their positions?

1 comment:

  1. You're very optimistic ;) But that's certainly very true. The problems that our country have aren't completely the fault of the officials or the people, but both, for different reasons.

    As an aside, have you ever read the book "Smaller and Smaller Circles" by F.H. Batacan? It's a story about a Filipino serial killer preying on children in Payatas; Batacan's premise is that there *might* be serial killers in the Philippines, but they haven't been found 'cause we don't keep tabs on patterns of unusual deaths. It's certainly . . . scary.

    Anyway, we do have technology, actually. Crime labs and stuff like that. Camp Crame actually has access to AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System)-- only they can't get it work right because the fingerprint record system here kinda sucks :/

    And I agree with that last bit, about the laws. That Anti-Selfie Law got passed first before a lot of more important bills about more pressing issues. Priorities, right? >_<

    Aletheia Observer, signing off. See you around, Ate Diana :D

