Friday, September 12, 2014

Mind Your Manners!

The quick advances and innovation of technology has paved way to many and creative forms of hate mail or showing your disgust or just strong dislike, reasonable or not, on a particular person, thing, event, etc.  
but so what right? Everybody has their own preferences and we have the freedom of expression. It's not a big deal! ... or is it?
My dear readers, as it was a big deal in the 1800's and the years after...
We have to remember our manners, ethics and morality. Just because we can doesn't mean we should. I am more concerned with the Filipino community, mainly because I'm a Filipino citizen but also, because we are supposedly a religious community where most citizens are either Roman catholic (or Christians) or Muslims and if I remember correctly those two religion emphasize greatly on Morality.
Scratch that I have taken 4 subjects of theology I KNOW Catholic religion emphasizes greatly on Morality.

Because technology is continuously growing, It's hard to put boundaries and tell the millions and billions of online users that there are rules that they should follow, take for example the cyber-crime prevention act of the Philippines. I read about it a few years back and it was too broad and the decision of whether the accused is guilty or innocent will depend on how good your lawyer is compared to the opposing. Furthermore it's a little bit outdated.

Side note: what pisses me off was this law was passed on 2012 where technology was already abundant and on it's peak (still is) and yet the law seemed like it was passed when the computer/internet was invented.

Second, now we have this Anti-Selfie act which passed instantly it's first and second reading despite the feuds in congress and issues of corruption with (almost?) ALL the government officials. Everybody in the Philippines is acting up and I feel stupid being chill about it.

 I do love selfies but what is the definition of a selfie?? doesn't a selfie imply that you take a photo of yourself so if a friend takes a photo of you, it technically isn't a selfie anymore, more so if a professional photographer takes it? be it in a private or public property.
Then there's the issue about selfies being taken with private properties or a selfie taken with a property that isn't yours that's in the fore/background, now if I blur that property am I still liable? or if the owner and I had a spoken agreement, what then?
My understanding of this Anti Selfie Bill is still vague as you can see but I have not seen any article that clearly defines and this Bill (so please comment a liable source if you know one).

Okay so where am I getting at?
1. The users can't control and discipline themselves properly. Or the internet, technology in general, just gives so much possibilities for us to destroy each other or aid criminals.
Side note: Maybe because a lot of Filipinos are uneducated and are still open to these kinds of freedom.

2. The government can only control the users to the point of aggravation.
Side note: The Philippine government needs major help in this sector.

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